Content of ASL Signbank
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Reference: Julie A. Hochgesang, Onno Crasborn, and Diane Lillo-Martin. (2017-2024) ASL Signbank. New Haven, CT: Haskins Lab, Yale University.
Site design & development
ASL Signbank is based on the NGT Signbank source code: Onno Crasborn, Richard Bank & Wessel Stoop (Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
Actors: (in chronological order of date of acting for us) Felicia Williams, Nayo Franck, Paige Hawkins, Renca Dunn, Mari Klassen, Franklin Jones Jr, April Jackson-Woodard, Conrad Baer, Norma Moran, Yvans Cator Jr, Raychelle Harris, Gabriel Arellano, Andrew Morrill, Debbie Colbert, Leticia Arellano, Debbie Peterson, Carmelina Kennedy, Jonathan McMillan, Brenda Perrodin, Lourdes Valenzuela, Miranda Medugno, Lettie Nazloo, Kurt Gagne, Cody Pederson, Arlene B. Kelly, LeeAnn Tang, Nageena Ahmadzai, Giovanni Maucere, Ashley Clark
SLAAASh and ASL Signbank research assistants: Carmelina Kennedy (filming, editing, data entry), Marjorie Bates, Amelia Becker, Donovan Catt, Anna Lim Franck (data entry), Ardavan Guity, Lee Prunier (site management, data entry)
SLAAASh or other annotators who suggested new ID glosses: Joshua Cauley, Ana Clark, Chanika Dorsey, Paul Gabriola, Rebecca Halls-Hasbrouck, Sarah Kadar, Laura Levesque, Miranda Medugno, Lettie Nazloo, Debbie Peterson, Aimee Sever-Hall, Megan Sietsema, Doreen Simons, Lee Ann Tang, Phoebe Tay, Jacob Veeder, Nic Willow
And users of the ASL Signbank and followers of the ASL Signbank Instagram account who have recommended signs or submitted general feedback
The research reported here was supported in part by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders of the National Institutes of Health under award number R01DC013578 and award number R01DC000183. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
We are grateful to the Gallaudet Gesture Literacy Knowledge Studio for their support of our ongoing maintenance 2022-2023.